album cover of Marvelous Clouds by Gene Ween

Marvelous Cloudsby Gene Ween

released 5/8/2012 on Partisan

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TrackSong TitleFirst PlayedLast PlayedTotal
1As I Love My Ownfirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 09-21-2013total: 19 times
2Jeanfirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
3Marvelous Cloudsfirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
4A Man Alonefirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 10-16-2012total: 9 times
5The Beautiful Strangersfirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
6Doesn't Anybody Know My Namefirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
7One By Onefirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
8Pushing the Clouds Awayfirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
9The Loversfirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
10Mr. Kellyfirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
11Love's Been Good to Mefirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
12Lonesome Citiesfirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times
13The World I Used to Knowfirst played: 05-09-2012last played : 06-21-2012total: 2 times

- released under the name Aaron Freeman
- all songs written by Rod McKuen

Total songs played live from this album: 50
Average live plays per album track: 3.8
Average songs played per live show: 0